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Beyond Volunteers

If you need more in-depth research assistance beyond our complementary hour or two (or three), some of our volunteers would be willing to work with you through a mutually agreed private-pay basis.

Beyond this, if you need professional genealogist assistance, there are other paid services you can use such as through CPGC or APG.

Emily's First Communion, with Molly, 1886
Middlesex Genealogical Society
Darien, CT


Skilled MGS volunteers are available to help jump-start your family research or to help rethink your strategy or evaluate already found documents. You do not need to be a member of our society to contact a volunteer. Most of our volunteers are “from” everywhere, not just Darien or Fairfield County. They have a broad range of interests and are skilled in many research and genealogical topic areas.

If you are just starting out, have a look at our Getting Started page first. There are many online resources you can tap into to get started, and many are free. Family Search, Ancestry, Find A Grave are all indispensable.

Contact a Volunteer

To contact an MGS volunteer, use the table below or send an email to: mgsvolunteer@gmail.com

Include in your email any information you may have which will make it easier for the volunteer to know what you are looking for. Be sure to include:

  1. Where you believe your ancestors lived
  2. What you have learned from online databases such as Family Search, Ancestry, and Find A Grave
  3. How you would like MGS to assist you with your research

VolunteerArea of Interest Email
Mary LavinsGerman, Dutch, French research & basic translations. Philadelphia, New York City, and New Jersey research. Using Facebook for genealogy researchmgsvolunteer@gmail.com
Rob MartinelliItalian genealogyrmartinelli3@optonline.net
Pamela SheaIreland, England, and New York City research. Using Facebook for genealogy researchmgsvolunteer@gmail.com
Sara ZagrodzkyAll areasmgsvolunteer@gmail.com
Pete KenyonIntro to genealogypokn38@aol.com
Len ChristieNew York City and Boston researchlhchristie@hotmail.com
IreneTranslation from Spanishmgsvolunteer@gmail.com
Peter BigginsGetting started and Y-chromosome DNApabiggin@optonline.net