Darien, CT |
Marc Matthews
William Mat(t)hews, 1640-1684. For many years I have been researching the origins of my 8th great grandfather William Mat(t)hews who was born around 1640. Based on his Last Will & Testament, he died in New Haven in 1684 (grave site not found).
DNA. After 30 years researching, I have discovered a few of the now living direct male descendants of two of his sons, Caleb and Thomas. We have compared our Y-DNA and found that we indeed have almost an identical series of DNA markers that gives us assurance that we are the true descendants of this William Mat(t)hews. I am amazed at the similarity of the male DNA we carry today that must be very similar to our common ancestor.
Trip to Connecticut. My wife Jeanne and I, who live in Florida, were in Connecticut in August 2016 to visit the area of my 8th paternal great-grandfather, William Mat(t)hews who was a colonist of New Haven in the 1600’s. The trip was a mixed bag of research success. Even with a good paper trail of his residency and the birth of his four children, it was difficult to find many actual records to help me improve my research footnotes.
However, it was not a complete loss. We were able to find the grave stone of his oldest son Caleb Mat(t)hews, b:1675 & d:1755 buried in the Cheshire cemetery, as well as documentation of several owned properties recorded in various cities in the area.
Marc Matthews and grandson. |